Dear Erasmus students!
The fun is about to start for you!!!
ESN Sofia has prepared for you a very cool game!

It's called GET LOST IN SOFIA!!!!!!!

When: Sunday (October 05, 2014)@14:00h
Where: Meeting point - The main entrance of Sofia University (the stairs with the 2 statues in front)
Rules: 10 teams with different tasks each (as answering questions, finding different places in Sofia, taking pictures etc).
2 hours to find the answers by searching, asking people in the street and maybe getting lost from time to time :))
All you need is a PEN and a CAMERA!
The point is to get to know better Sofia...or just simply get lost! :)
The winners will be awarded on the party next week!

With loads of love,

05/10/2014 - 00:00